Americans Looking to Move to Another State Choose This Warm One Over Any Other

Americans Looking to Move to Another State Choose This Warm One Over Any Other
December 19, 2018

According to a new survey from LendingTree, Florida is the state people are choosing when they are looking to move across state lines.

South Carolina comes in second.

The survey finds the states folks are moving from the most are Alaska, Hawaii, North Dakota, New York and Rhode Island. The people at LendingTree used more than 2 million loan requests to come up with the results.

statemigration lendingtree

Other states that people were heading for included Texas, California, Washington, Arizona, North Carolina and Massachusetts. The Survey also found that when most people move to another state they are moving to a state that boarders the one they are moving from.

So where are most folks from northern New England moving to when they do move? For New Hampshire it’s Massachusetts, and for Mainers and Vermonters it’s Florida.