‘New Year, New You’ Blood Drive is Friday, January 3rd in Concord

It’s 2020 and time for a New Year, New You! Make your first resolution to help save lives starting this Friday with your blood donation at the Holiday Inn, 172 North Main Street in Concord.
Hours for this drive are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., and all presenting donors will receive a free 1-week trial membership at Planet Fitness and a long-sleeve Red Cross T-shirt!
Start 2020 off right, make your appointment online today, or by calling 1-800-RED CROSS or downloading the blood donor app and use sponsor code: “NewYearNewYou”.
Did you know you can schedule your blood donation appointment using Alexa? That’s right there are Red Cross ‘skills’ for Alexa. Learn more!
Schedule Your Blood Donation Time:
(Photo Courtesy of RedCross.org)